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We’ve put together a listing of  useful and interesting website links where you can get more information on various subjects, local organizations, and our supporters.


The National Weather Service maintains a website that charts the data captured at the USGS gauge in Burtonsville as well as each of the other water gauges along the Schoharie Creek and its tributaries.  NOAA’s graphs show the current water level and water flow rate and what it predicts the water level and flow rate to be over the next several days.  This data is shown in relation to the flood categories for the area.  CLICK HERE to view the NOAA site.

Water Test Site Maps

Our Environmental Study Team program has collected a lot of data while testing at various sites on the Schoharie Creek and the Normanskill Creek over the years.  Some of this data has been posted in Google Maps for all to see.  CLICK HERE to view the Schoharie River  Test Site Map.  To view the Normanskill Creek Test Site Map,  CLICK HERE.

USGS Stream Flow

Partners, Supporters and Affiliations:


NY Folklore Society -  Board member and Past President Ellen McHale is Executive Director of the NYFS.  If you enjoy our folk arts programs, be sure to check out the NYFS.     


Dam Concerned Citizens - The citizens' not-for-profit advocacy group for Dam Safety and Flood Mitigation in the Schoharie Drainage Basin


Trout Unlimited - Clearwater Chapter - They have put on several fly tying and fishing workshops for us


Union College Geology Department - Mohawk River flooding and watershed analysis


Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy - The Schoharie River Center’s property is situated very near to some of the Land Conservancy’s property.


Informational Links:


Schenectady County’s Household Hazardous Waste Program How  to recycle all sorts of stuff. Anti-freeze, batteries, paint, television sets, computers, and much more.


Learn about the 100 mile diet - an inroduction to what the 100 mile diet is with links to additional information.


Manorkill Stream Management - This website is loaded with information about the Schoharie watershed as well as the Esopus, the Neversink, the Rondout and the Delaware watersheds.

The US Geological Survey maintains 14 water gauges on the Schoharie Creek and its tributaries, including one at Burtonsville, NY - home of the Schoharie River Center. For each gauge, there is a website with live and historical data showing water flow  measured in cubic feet per second and water height.  These charts can be printed, emailed or saved as images. To view, CLICK HERE.

© 2021 Schoharie River Center                                                                                                                   2025 Burtonville Rd  Esperance, NY 12066  -  518-875-6230

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