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Fiber Arts at the SRC


Montgomery County and the surrounding communities have a long history of textile production, beginning with early European settlements and well into the 19th century.  Wool production was pursued both for sale of fleeces for the woolen industry, but also for home use.  Smaller, water-powered mills in the Mohawk and Schoharie Valleys produced woolen cloth, including mills on the Schoharie Creek at Burtonville.  

Recognizing the long history of fiber production in the Schoharie Watershed, the Schoharie River Center often offers workshops and events in the Fiber Arts





Make an Egg Gathering Basket with Helen Condon

June 10th/11th 10am - 4pm


Over the space of a weekend (14 hours), participants will complete a Egg-Gathering Basket with instruction provided by Adirondack Rug Braider, Helen Condon. She will teach the traditional method of making a braided rag rug out of recycled materials. Participants will learn how to take apart old woolen clothes and blankets and recycle them into beautiful handmade colorful traditional braided rugs and other items, including the completion of a braided basket.


More Details and Registration Here





© 2021 Schoharie River Center                                                                                                                   2025 Burtonville Rd  Esperance, NY 12066  -  518-875-6230

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